Tricep Workouts – Beginner Tips

   My first suggestion for a beginner is to make sure you are not doing too much work in your tricep workouts. Your main gains for your triceps from your arm workouts are going to come from the big movements like close grip bench press, dips, close grip incline bench press. These are big compound movements that will help to increase your bench press. If you gradually increase your bench press over a year by 50 pounds that will make a much bigger difference in the size of your triceps than doing tricep kickbacks with little dumbbells. I’m not saying that isolation don’t have their place but they should be used mainly by advanced ...
bodybuilders not by beginners. If you really insist on isolating your triceps you can do a few sets at the end of your workout. But please don’t do endless sets or go to failure on these. There will be plenty of time for this isolation work once you have built a solid foundation of muscle on your frame...

When should you schedule your tricep workouts? Well if you are a true beginner I don’t think you need an entire workout for just your triceps. If you are including one of the big tricep movements I mention above (close grip bench press, dips, incline close grip bench press) after your chest work that may be enough for you. Do your normal chest work then a big movement for your triceps then go home and get some rest so you can recover and be ready for a little more weight or a few more reps your next chest workout. You can even make your workouts even shorter by alternating your chest workouts to focus on bench press one day and then one of these big movements for your triceps the next chest workout. Another combination I have found that works great to build muscle all over your upper body is bench press followed by military press one upper body workout and then incline bench press followed by close grip bench press the upper body workout. I’ve found that this allows me to lift the most overall on these four crucial lifts. Remember more weight or more reps! If you can’t do that you need more rest. With plenty of rest days in between as well as alternating upper and lower body days this will really build some muscle. You can do some pull-ups as well either on your upper body or lower body days depending on which you prefer. I feel this works much better than those endless tricep workouts you read about in the bodybuilding magazines. Make sure you check with your doctor before starting any weight training program.
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